tirsdag 7. juni 2011

Dates, Mates and cosmic kisses

dates, mates and cosmic kisses by Cathy Hopkins

Izzie is a cool and hip girl from London, England. After meeting mark, a totally snog-wothy boy, she thinks she`s in love. She is smitten and gives him her number, but Mark never calls! Izzi gets desperate, and needs her two best friends, Lucy and Nesta, to ceep her head clear. After some words of kindness and a cosmic kiss, followed by another period by silence, Izzie finds out that she rather be with a guy that actually pays attention to her. Izzie therefore takes control, and instead of giving her number away, she turns it around, and decides to never wait for a guy to call her again! 

Izzie is clever, but also a confused teenager, that don’t understand why they never learned about boys and relationships on school.
She has a lot of help in her friends, and they tell each other everything. The book is about being a teenager, and finding you’re self I think. Izzie gets in a situation where she doesn’t know what to do, or how to handle it. She is unsure, and in one way desperate and frustrated. For this she needs her best friends and a lot of advice. In the end, after many hours sitting by the phone, Izzie finally takes a number instead of giving hers away. Izzie then gets more confident, and I also think that made her stronger in one way.  

I think the realationship between Lucy, Nesta and izzie is important in the book. no matter what happens, they always stand together. Thats something i think is important to remember in real life too, we should always know that our best friends will be there. A boy you meet, can be the most important thing at the moment, but if you get to the ugly break up, he won`t stand by you`re side and be there for you like you`re best friends will. 

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Alexander mcqueen

Alexander mcqueen is a known fashion brand world wide. The known fashion designer was born 17 march 1969 in lewisham, London, and was found ded in his home 11 february 2010. he is especially known for hisitish tailor-made clothes, and provocative fashionshows. his presentations within fashion gave him four british designer of the year awards. He also won the internasjonale designer of the year award in 2003. Alexander estabelished stores over the whole world, and a lot of celeberties has been seen in his dresses, and designs.


mandag 28. februar 2011

Invisible people

What are youre reactions to these stories?
my reaction is kind of suprised, because i never thought of it that way. They explaine how they feel invisible, because people just ignore them. and i properly do the same, i think that its better to ignore them, then feel sorry for them. when you hear the reason that they live on the street, and what they been through, you just want to help them. I think the goverment should help homeless people more, just by giving them a job. Most people living on the street want to get out of the situation and start a better life.

i think the aspect on american culture and society is

mandag 31. januar 2011


My initial reaction to this movie is that it’s put on edge. It shows you how it is many places, in the most extreme cases maybe. The movie shows many stories from different sides connected together over a short period of two days. By having so much action put in so little time, makes the movie stronger, and so it hit me faster. I started thinking a lot after the movie, and I think that is done consciously.  

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

BLOG TASK 18.01.2011

1. how to behave when stationeied in your mentor business?
When you are stationed in a mentor business, it is important that you are positiv and intrested. you have to have a good behavior where you are, and make a good impression.


torsdag 28. oktober 2010


Meaning of the English flag

The english flag is a symbol of the country, but what does it really mean. Well first of all it is called the flag of the United Kingdom and the great Britain and Northern – Ireland. The flag is blue, white and red, as the Norwegian one, but its not the same. In the background its blue, and then you got the red and white. The white color means Peace and Honesty, the red color means hardiness, bravery, strength and Valour, and the blue means vigiliance, truth and loyalty, Perseverance and justice.



The first most People think of when they hear Manchester, is Manchester united, But the City is much more than that. The Big sity is located north - west in England, and has a population on over 450.000 people! Manchester is not known for its architecture, but more for its rough bar/football life and industrial looks. While you are in Manchester you should visit The Peoples history museum and the museum of science and industry. Here you can se the development through time in Manchester. The city has always been a industrial city, but the population has gone up and down, But today it has become a really nice city, with a lot of people moving in. 
Today, Manchester has a lot to offer, like the museums, but also Europa biggest china town. The nightlife, and food experience is something to experience, and i would really recommend it!
You can find more information on: www.static.vg.no/reise/reiseguider.



Liverpool is the fourth biggest city in the United Kingdom. The City was founded in 1207, but it took a long time before the population grew. Today people most often travel to Liverpool because of their interests for Liverpool FC or The Beatles. I think people would be surprised over what the city has to offer. The people here are so nice and you still have the opportunity for shopping or just learning about history. There is a lot of English pubs, but also cafés. The plan for Liverpool was a football game, and a real English pub after or before. The game was exciting. It was Liverpool FC against Blackburn rovers, and of course Liverpool won. Fernando Torres was the one scoring the last goal, and they had a good game. I think so; then again, what do I know. After the game, we went to the English pub, the people were excited and happy about the game, and the mood was perfect. We ate fish and chips, and drank cola and beer, and just watched all the people, and replay on the English news. It was a really nice evening.
It has been a week all ready, and in three days the plain leaves from Manchester. We have seen some of England, but we have a lot left. Manchester is just for a day, because we decided to drive, so we could see some on the way. We are leaving the hotel early tomorrow, and then we are heading to Manchester. I am looking forward to the next couple of days, but I am going to miss London, and England a lot.